Case Study # 2

Capture the codes that define a category to identify opportunities in a competitive environment :

The Spotter Lab - Capture the codes

CLIENT: Global fashion brand headquartered in Northern Europe.

GOAL: How can we clarify the womenswear market and identify where to stand against competition?


We have developed a semiotic-led market mapping of the womenswear category.  Instead of looking at the market only in terms of market share and consumer feedback, we have mapped what competitors say across touchpoints, how they say it, and what are the dominant and emergent codes in the category. This approach provides a vivid and easy to use snapshot of the market, identifying where competitors play, where the brand is today, and where it should be playing.


The work has helped the client to reconsider the way they look at the category and identify a strategic territory where the brand should play that is more in line with the brand purpose, and that has inspired the design team to create the next collection.